
Archive for the ‘Video’ Category

Alan Turing Google Doodle (and how to solve it)

Google is celebrating Alan Turing’s 100th birthday. Alan Mathison Turing is his full name and he was an English mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, and computer scientist.

Understand the working principle before using this doodle:

Google has praised him by integrating a logo in its homepage. This sounds good. This video will show you the answers for making the whole Google logo to be colored. by solving the Doodle. The Doodle has around 12 levels where, when you complete answering 6 answers, and when you refresh the homepage, you’ll get the next level to be solved.

This video is contains the answer for the first level.

Strange Random Cryptography Quote:

“Cryptography is like literacy in the Dark Ages. Infinitely potent, for good and ill… yet basically an intellectual construct, an idea, which by its nature will resist efforts to restrict it to bureaucrats and others who deem only themselves worthy of such Privilege.” Vin McLellan, “A Thinking Man’s Creed for Crypto”

3-D Copying Makes Michelangelos of the Masses – Bloomberg

Autodesk 123DWhen Cosmo Wenman went to the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles in late May, he did what many people do.

He took photos of some of his favorite sculptures. But instead of a few snapshots, Wenman took hundreds of pictures, documenting busts and reliefs from every accessible angle. Then he did something currently unusual — but likely to become common.

Wenman turned the photos into three-dimensional digital maps, using a free program called Autodesk 123D Catch. Then he used the maps to print miniature plastic replicas on the $2,000 MakerBot 3-D printer in his home office. And he made one of his best scans freely available, uploading it to the Thingiverse site where MakerBot enthusiasts share digital plans. Now, alongside the hobbyist designs for specialty tools, robot figurines and hair ornaments, you can find an 18th-century relief, John Deare’s “Venus Reclining on a Sea Monster with Cupid and a Putto.”

On Thingiverse, you can also find data maps for around three dozen sculptures from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Unlike Wenman’s one-man amateur venture, these scans are the result of an official collaboration between MakerBot Industries LLC and the Met. This month, the museum hosted a two- day “Hackathon” in which artists working with MakerBot staff members and equipment used the same process to create scans and replicas of Met sculptures, as well as their own derivative works.

Digital Scans

The technology is still primitive and frustrating, and the scans it produces are far from perfect, but the future is clear. The masterworks of three-dimensional art are joining the digital commons. For art lovers, this technological moment represents a tremendous opportunity. The combination of digital scans and inexpensive 3-D printing could do for three-dimensional art what prints have been doing for paintings and drawings for 500 years: make these works familiar, beloved and visually influential to people who will never have a chance to see them in person.

via 3-D Copying Makes Michelangelos of the Masses – Bloomberg.

Strange Random Museum Quote:

“I never can pass by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York without thinking of it not as a gallery of living portraits but as a cemetery of tax-deductible wealth.” – Lewis H. Lapham Entertainment – Can World War II film long hidden by the Army aid today’s veterans?

May 28, 2012 1 comment

“The guns are quiet now,” is the first line in John Huston‘s 1946 short film, “Let There Be Light,” which focuses on World War II veterans dealing with what we’d today call post-traumatic stress disorder.

Quiet, perhaps. But the echoes of those guns were still ringing in the minds of many returning soldiers — much as they still are with modern veterans.

Huston, himself a veteran and director of such films as “The Maltese Falcon” and “Treasure of the Sierra Madre,” filmed soldiers being treated at Long Island’s Mason General Hospital for what at the time was called shellshock.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Film available online for streaming and download (for a limited time) at the National Film Preservation Foundation

Strange Random War Quote:

War does not determine who is right – only who is left. – Bertrand Russell

Eco-fashionista campaigns for sexy, sustainable fashion –

Copenhagen, Denmark CNN — Be prepared, the next big thing facing a green makeover might just be your closet.

The glitzy world of fashion and design doesn’t typically conjure up images of sustainability and social consciousness, but if its up to Eva Kruse, CEO of the Danish Fashion Institute and Chairman of the Nordic Fashion Association, that’s all going to change.

In the last month, she has pulled off the largest sustainable fashion summit in the world, and starting this week, she is launching a global social media campaign, aiming to forever change the way we look at our clothes.

Her goal is for all companies in the industry to declare sustainability a key value.

“I have worked in the fashion industry for nearly 20 years, and it is a wonderful and exciting industry, but it is also one of the largest and most polluting in the world,” said Kruse.

From the massive consumption of water and fertilizer in cotton production, to the chemical processing at plants, the pollution of local waterways and environments, safety issues for workers, fair wages, child labor and other social concerns — issues for the fashion industry are enormous, she says.

“That is why it is so important that we address this … and because of the size of the industry, even a small change can make a big difference,” says Kruse.

Kruse, who founded the Danish Fashion Institute as the only employee in 2005, is credited by industry professionals and government ministers for having put Danish design and sustainable fashion on the world map.

Last month, she gathered more than 1,000 people — including Hollywood celebrities, international designers and other industry professionals — at the Copenhagen Fashion Summit, to explore sustainable solutions.

via Eco-fashionista campaigns for sexy, sustainable fashion –

Strange Random Ecology Quote:

“The first law of ecology is that everything is related to everything else.” – Barry Commoner (American Biologist, Teacher and Activist, b.1917)

Kindle vs Nook – Technology and Science News – ABC News

Kindle vs. Nook: Battle of $99 E-Readers. Which $99 touchscreen e-reader is the best?

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Strange Random Reading Quote:

My test of a good novel is dreading to begin the last chapter. – Thomas Helm