
Posts Tagged ‘Noah’

Parking charges in Capital cause church and commerce to unite – Telegraph

November 8, 2011 Leave a comment
Parking meter

Churches, businesses and residents of Westminster have joined forces to protest at new evening and Sunday parking charges that many fear could undermine the West End‘s vibrant entertainment and retail sectors.

Westminster Council plans to scrap free parking on single yellow lines during evenings and introduce charging across the borough on Sunday afternoons from January 9.

It said the measure is to tackle traffic congestion but campaigners believe Westminster, which sets one of the lowest council taxes in the country, is trying to tackle the sweeping budget cuts facing all councils.

Many other councils are raising the cost of resident parking permits and tickets by as much as 400pc.

Campaigners argue that Westminster Council under Conservative leader Colin Barrow, a former hedge fund manager, will damage its tax revenues and social services by imposing the charges.

via Parking charges in Capital cause church and commerce to unite – Telegraph.

Strange Random Parking Quote:

On the other hand, the Bible contains much that is relevant today, like Noah taking 40 days to find a place to park. – Curtis McDougall


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